
Check with employer to find out what moving expenses they will pay.

Select mover and arrange for exact form of payment at destination (cash, check) or arrange for a rental truck. Get cartons and packing materials to start packing now, unless you have packing services.

Give away or arrange for transportation of house plants (most moving companies will not move plants, especially in winter). Plants also can be sold at a garage sale or given as thank you gifts.

Get a final reading of your water, gas, and electric service.

Run down inventory of perishables, cleaning products and other items that can’t be moved.

Arrange for utilities to be disconnected at your old location and turned on in the new place for a few days before you move. Keep your current utilities and telephone line operational throughout the move.

Speak with your doctor and dentist and ask for referrals in your new area. Ask them to transfer medical/dental records, including proof of children’s immunizations.

Have prescriptions renewed before moving, so that necessary medication will be on hand.

Enroll school age children in their new schools.

Close local bank accounts, transfer to a bank in the new area and have your funds wired to your new bank. Before closing accounts, be sure there are no outstanding checks or automatic payments that haven’t been processed.

Make a personal inventory of household goods and their worth, in the event you need to file an insurance claim later. If possible, take pictures or video tape your belongings. Record serial numbers of electronic equipment.

If moving to a new state, check on applicable auto laws and regulations regarding insurance.

Have your address changed on your driver’s license.

If you are moving to another state have the car registered.

If you are moving to another state, apply for a new driver’s license.

Change address on all magazine subscriptions.

Arrange for any cancellation of local newspaper deliveries.

Defrost and clean refrigerator/freezer.

Gather any goods stored with friends or relatives. Pick up dry cleaning, items at the tailor shop, etc.

If you’re driving to the destination, pack a survival kit for the first day in the new home such as a portable radio or TV, small toiletry kit, coffee maker and coffee, toilet paper and paper towels, hammer, screwdriver, disposable plates, cups and silverware, a knife and bottle opener and other basic tools.

Double check closets, drawers, attic and garage on moving day to be sure they are empty.

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